Assessing Prior Learning Policy

Nontraditional students often bring knowledge and experiences that have been acquired in settings other than the traditional academic and supervised practice locations and they may seek to receive credit for these experiences.

Each student will be required to meet with the DPD Director for transcript and academic evaluation and decisions. Decisions about credit for previous course work or substitution for prior work experience may be granted by the Graduate School after consultation with the DPD Director and the Graduate Program in Human Nutrition Coordinators. It is the student’s responsibility to provide evidence of course compliance. This evidence includes the syllabi, course requirements, and a course catalog description for each individual course.

Students with a baccalaureate or graduate degree interested in the Masters in Human Nutrition combined with the dietetic internship need to demonstrate the same criteria for acceptance into the program including completion of requirements for a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). Prospective graduate students must work with the DPD Director and Graduate Coordinators to design a program of study to complete the DPD requirements. These requirements must be completed prior to acceptance into the Dietetic Internship.

Credit for Prior Learning and Experience

If a student has a previous baccalaureate and/or graduate degree and/or relevant work experience, certain DPD coursework may be waived. Appropriate documentation may include a written rationale, professional resumes, curriculum vitae, and/or letters of recommendation from designated person(s). In certain cases, successful completion of a comprehensive exam can be taken for certain DPD course credit. The DPD Director (Mrs. Christy Youens) and Graduate Coordinators will make the final decisions.

International Students

International students must first refer to the Commission on Dietetics Registration (CDR) for information about eligibility to become a Registered Dietitian in the USA. An international transcript evaluation is required for Texas State University admission. Links to those organizations that perform the audits can be found on the CDR website ( as well. It is the prospective student's responsibility to obtain transcript evaluations through CDR.